Creative Brainstorming.

I’m regularly hired by creative agencies to participate in brainstorming sessions. This is often as part of a pitch team, where I bring deep knowledge of both legacy systems and new technologies, plus many years’ experience designing business models.

When early stage ideation is successful it can become the blueprint for execution, so it’s important to have a plan to get from pitch-winning concept to profitably delivered solution. Otherwise the initial joys of winning that new project can result in execution becoming a burden that disillusions your team, and damages your bottom line.

By working with me, you’ll have the advantage of knowing early on, the potential budgets required to deliver on creative concepts, and help avoid presenting ideas that are out of the reach of the client.

My top five StrengthsFinder traits are Strategic, Activator, Ideation, Positivity, and Learner.

I have experience with a number of ideation processes, but have a bias towards the Business Model Canvas, and Value Proposition Canvas.

If you’d like to bolster your pitch team, drop me a note using this form, and I’ll get right back to you.

Get in touch.